The Davis Family Mural, officially titled New Again is possibly the most unintentionally disturbing piece of public art in Davis. It was created by local artists along with children from the FamiliesFirst program. This piece is part of the City of Davis' "Art in Public Places" program, which seeks to "purchase art that enhances the quality of the Davis environment."

After looking at the mural for a bit, you begin to realize the environment the city hoped to promote: that of absolute terror.

The mural is located on the corner of 3rd Street and G Street. It adorns the original building of The Davis Enterprise. Although no longer considered to be the newspaper's main facility, the Enterprise still uses the refurbished structure as a pressroom and for mail and loading purposes.

Detail Photos

A scary dog, or possibly a miniature capybara with a taste for human flesh. Plaque


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holy crap, that's a family?!? I thought that was just a bunch of random people and an ugly dog - MarieHuynh

2005-09-11 22:22:34   This was one of the first things that I saw in Davis when we moved here. Kind of scary. I figured it was made by kids. —JanelleAlvstadMattson

2006-01-17 17:50:35   I can't stand this mural, personally. I think it's really ugly, even if children made it. —JohnDudek

2007-03-16 02:39:26   This is my second favorite town art work. —AliceChoe

2008-10-01 12:03:28   the "scary dog" is none other than the infamous chupicabra —ChrisWaterstraat

2011-12-25 14:05:02   Can we please tear this thing down? It's absolutely hideous. I tried myself, but they're stuck on there pretty good. —VocaBookz