Al-Anon Adult Children of Alcoholics ( AAC or ACA )

Al-Anon Adult Child of Alcoholics Meeting

Davis Community Church

412 C Street, Room 1* Davis, CA 95616

** Effective March 2020 - Not presently meeting


The Al-Anon Adult Children of Alcoholics' support group meetings are part of the Davis Al-Anon Family Group; as such, we follow the 12 steps and 12 traditions of Al-Anon with a focus on recovering from the effects of having grown up with Alcoholism in our lives. In adherence to the Al-Anon Traditions our groups are Anonymous and the only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend. Additional information about Al-Anon may be found here: Alanon/Alateen .

You can find the full Davis Al-Anon Family Groups Meeting Schedule at Davis AFG.

Come join us, sharing in our experience, strength and hope!

*Davis Community Church is a large complex and, while we do put out signs, sometimes it can take a few minutes to locate the rooms. A map of Davis Community Church can be found here: Davis Community Church Map.pdf. While the church address is on C Street, it is usually easier to access the meeting rooms from D street, between 4th and 5th.

Al-Anon Declaration

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,

Let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen

always be there, and - Let it Begin With Me.


note: while Alanon is often written without the hypen, Al-Anon is the correct way to write it.