A cedar waxwing in a tree in downtown Davis.

Cedar waxwings are the species B. cedrorum and live all over the United States and sometimes in South America. They can be seen year-round in Davis. They eat berries, fruit, and insects. According to Wikipedia, they make "very high-pitched whistles and buzzy trills often represented as see or sree."

A tree between the Wells Fargo parking lot and the Davis Enterprise lot is full of these cute lil' birdies.






Cedar Waxwings and Robins indulging in sprinkler water on J Street, 2012, Photo courtesy: CO

Cedar Waxwings and Robins indulging in sprinkler water on J Street, 2012, Photo courtesy: CO

Cedar Waxwings and Robins indulging in sprinkler water on J Street, 2012, Photo courtesy: CO








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2018-11-18 14:59:08   These are pretty cool looking birds and I like the noises they make, but they crap all over my car and sometimes on me. I can't park in the driveway anymore. It's like a rain of a bird poo when they're around. —MikeyCrews

(this is an older comment, CO moved it to comment section on November 18, 2018). 

2018-11-18 15:00:48   I have been living in Davis for over 7 years now and only in the first year, maybe the first two years, had Waxwings in my front and backyard. Will post a photo, with "proof". But I want to make a very serious note here. Bird-wise, I think Davis is changing, and not for the good. I haven't seen Waxwings in my yard or anywhere in Davis for years now. Anyone who has, please indulge me and make me happy again. I think they are leaving Davis or have already left. I suspect the too dry conditions don't appeal to them anymore. But maybe they just didn't visit my yard anymore and I, by coincidence, never see them anymore on my many (!) cycling trips of up to eight hours a day. So please, let me know, if you have seen flocks of them anywhere, in Davis.

And while on it. I don't see many Robins anymore too. Looking in my Google  photos, times in 2011 and 2012 were shocking  more green and shocking more bird-rich. And *I* didn't change my "bird-behavior"; still sprinkling et cetera. Davis looked oh so much better than it does right now. People's yards, green in general, everything. 
