This entry refers to a departed business that has closed or left town. All information here is for historical reference only.


Davis and the surrounding counties
(530) 902-2995
(530) 753-2724
[email protected]
John M. Holmes
Payment Methods
Cash, Check, Visa, or Mastercard

John M. Holmes has deep-rooted connections to the Davis and surrounding communities as he grew up in Davis. He has a B.A. from University of California at Davis and a J.D. from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Mr. Holmes began his law office in June of 2008, and he has quickly expanded his practice in the areas of criminal, personal injury, and family law. He has conducted over two-hundred probable cause hearings and argued over fifty Morrissey hearings. Mr. Holmes has experience in misdemeanor and felony cases, including driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, leaving the scene of an accident, burglary, petty theft, grand theft, grand theft auto, fraud, robbery, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, battery, domestic violence, illegal weapon possession, drug possession, drug sales, and assault with great bodily injury.

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