216 A Street
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9-5, Wed 9-9, Fri. by appointment
[email protected]

Lutheran Episcopal Christian Fellowship (LECF) is a campus student organization of Christians and seekers of the Lutheran, Episcopal (Anglican), and other traditions as well as seekers. LECF meets at The Belfry.

LECF is a progressive Christian group, in the liberal Christian tradition. They believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, and is the story of God's redeeming love for the world. They focus on the grace and forgiveness of God in Christ. They are a diverse group which does not require uniformity in beliefs and which honors each person's spiritual journey. They are open and affirming of LGBTIQ persons and their ministries. They believe in personal transformation, doing justice, loving God and neighbor as oneself, and living abundantly in Christ.


There is a weekly worship, dinner, and discussion on Wednesday nights at 7 PM (during academic terms) at The Belfry for students, faculty, staff and alumni. Worship is held every Wednesday night at 7 pm, and is immediately followed by dinner and discussion. Worship is held in the Ranstrom Chapel and is traditional Lutheran/Episcopal liturgy with readings from Scripture, a brief homily, prayers, and Holy Communion, lasting about half an hour. All are welcome at worship! A lively discussion of topics of faith and life, current events, or spirituality follows dinner.

There are also fellowship, service, learning, and retreat activities with Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at The Belfry. See their affiliated website at http://www.thebelfry.org for more details or come by and pick up a few brochures.

They also organize a free lecture series called the St. Augustine Chair once a year, usually in the Spring term. Topics of mutual interest to the academic and faith communities are addressed by an engaging speaker.


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