Ricky Berger is a musician initially based in Bakersfield, then Sacramento, and as of 2014, Los Angeles. She has played shows in many cities, including San Francisco, Austin, and Milwaukee.  She played various shows in Davis, including ones hosted by Mike Leahy and ones at residential music venues including The Pink House and The Greenhouse, both of which were hosted by Elise Kane. Elise also brought Ricky down to KDVS to play on-air.

In addition to her appearances in Davis, Ricky played many Sac venues including Beatnik Studios, Bows & Arrows, the Crest Theatre for the JAMMIES, theCrocker Art Museum, Fox & Goose,Harlow's, Head Hunters, Luigi's Fungarden, Luna's Café,Naked Lounge, Old Ironsides,The Refuge, Shine,The Torch Club, and VOX Art Gallery. She performed at Sacramento events such as Chalk It Up. She was featured in various Sacramento publications such as Alive & Kicking,Midtown Monthly, SN&R, andSubMerge Magazine.



YouTube channel


Appearances in local publications

Performance posters and fliers

Bows & Arrows (Sac) posterThe Refuge (Sac) flierCrocker Art Museum (Sac) posterThe Greenhouse (Davis) flier

Performance photos of local shows

Ricky at The Pink House (Davis)Ricky at Old Ironsides (Sac)Ricky at Naked Lounge (Sac)

Ricky at VOX Art Gallery (Sac)Ricky at The Greenhouse (Davis)

Videos of local performances

Beatnik Studios, Sacramento

Chalk It Up, Sacramento

Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento

Fox & Goose, Sacramento

The Greenhouse, Davis

JAMMIES Sacramento

KDVS 90.3 FM, Davis

Luigi's Fungarden, Sacramento

Naked Lounge, Sacramento

The Refuge, Sacramento

Shine, Sacramento

The Torch Club, Sacramento