My name is Pete Santogrossi, 1990 graduate of UC Davis, been here since '85. I've driven for the Davis Airporter since 1997. I'm also a musician with a just-finished first CD! To hear some of it, you can go to, which also includes a link to where to buy it if you don't feel like making the trek to Armadillo Music.


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Howdy, Pete, and Welcome to the Wiki! Thanks for your fantastic reply on the Davis Airporter entry. The wiki is a resource for the whole community, and it is great to see some honest, good input from the business perspective. Some of the things you mention in your comment would be really useful in the main article itself... which you can edit. Just hit the "Edit" icon at the top of the screen, and you can make changes directly to the entry, adding useful information. Everybody can see your edits, so if you make any grammar or spelling mistakes, people often come by and fix them. You know the inside deal on how Davis Airporter works, so it would be great if you could share some tips and hints to the rest of the community! Also, feel free to poke around the wiki and enjoy!Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards

2007-11-09 17:14:42   Thanks for the welcome and kind words! I think I'll just leave that stuff in the entry, so's to not make the main article unreadable. I don't know how to make a link from the main article to my portion of the page (for instance, on the word "advice", or if it's even possible, but if you could enlighten me, I'll do that. Thanks, —AirporterDriverPete

2008-09-30 00:09:54   What up Pete! —StevenDaubert

2008-11-15 15:54:41   Hi Pete!!! It's Wendy, remeber me? How's the little lady doing?? Tell her i said hi and i still have the birthday card she made me : ) I miss you guys! —Wendy23

2008-11-22 19:55:38   Wendy! Believe it or not, we remember you too! And miss you as well. What the heck is your address/email address/phone number? We have news for you. Take care, brush your hair. Pete —AirporterDriverPete

2009-05-21 15:46:45   Ignoring my comment about the airporter for a moment, I am going to ask the person in question for clarification and update my post accordingly when next I see him. I've just got to know, what is your position at the airporter? If you're a driver, do they really pay so well they could keep you for 12 years? —MasonMurray

2009-05-21 15:52:46   Oh, and if in the meanwhile you would like to take down mine and your post on the subject, I would not object. Also, for font changes you have to use 2 single quotes for italics, if you use a double quote it will not work. —MasonMurray

2009-05-21 23:11:19   Hey there Mason. I'm a driver, and I make 8.50 an hour, plus tips. Tips average out to about $30 a day, so that means about 12.50 an hour when all is said and done. Enough to keep me for 12 years? Interesting question. Without the tip money, perhaps not. I do work in the office occasionally, maybe twice a year.

To put the driver wage in perspective though, when I started here in 1997, the starting hourly wage was $4.75.

And I have to figure in the fact that I actually love my job!

Regarding fonts and italics, I know you're trying to tell me something about how my posts appear here, and I think I know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure. My posts come out double-spaced, for some reason. But I'm not trying to italicize or anything. Tell me how to right this, please! AirporterDriverPete —AirporterDriverPete

  • I think I've mentioned this to you (if not, I apologize), but you keep hitting "Enter" at the end of each line of text, as if it were a typewriter. Just keep typing and the words with automatically wrap themselves. You probably get something similar in emails you send as well. In general, only hit Enter at the end of a paragraph (and on the wiki, you likely want to hit it twice to put some space between the two paragraphs). If that's not clear, just let me know. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
  • Also, one of your posts caused every post after it to be italicized, and the date to be in regular font because of a typo where you used " rather than ''. I'm not sure you can see the difference, but the 2nd one is 2 single quotes, as the first one is a double quote. Fonts are edited by placing single quotes before and after the text to be edited, as noted in the "Editing quick-help" underneath the edit box. —MasonMurray

2009-05-23 08:28:44   Thanks Evan (or thanks again as the case may be), and Mason. I'll try to keep it in mind. Goes against my typing instincts! Pete —AirporterDriverPete

2009-08-25 19:17:56   The Questions page might have pointed you to an alternative place to ask you question about the house. —JasonAller

2010-01-03 02:06:05   Pete you da man btw ♥ —StevenDaubert

2010-03-15 17:50:34   looking good, might need to thumbnail it though! —StevenDaubert

2010-03-15 18:23:21   Thanks Steve, I noticed! —AirporterDriverPete

2010-05-16 02:58:13   Your music reminds me of Stan Rogers, have you heard of him? I really like it, I plan to buy your album the next time I'm downtown. Thanks. —NickSchmalenberger

2010-05-16 17:16:34   Had never heard of Stan Rogers until now, but there's some of his stuff on youtube. He reminds me a bit of Gordon Lightfoot, both musically and lyrically, who I've been accused of sounding like, so I guess I see what you're saying! AirporterDriverPete —AirporterDriverPete

2010-05-16 18:07:26   I especially like your song about the Sunol Grade, I drive it about once a month in my 1984 Toyota Pickup. The geography of it has always interested me, and those silly two Mission Blvd exits :) I also like the part of 80 around American Canyon Road for a place where you can really let it out (at least in my pickup, not too fast!). Thanks! —NickSchmalenberger

2010-05-16 22:31:19   I'm only on the Sunol Grade about once a year. The traffic reports are what inspired the song. Always something bad. I agree about American Canyon, my favorite part of the daily ride to SFO. Careful of the CHP on the eastbound onramp, I guess you know that. And thanks for the kind words about the music! —AirporterDriverPete

2010-07-16 13:25:11   I bought your album yesterday, its great! —NickSchmalenberger

2010-07-22 17:06:35   Alright! Much appreciated, thanks Nick! —AirporterDriverPete

2011-06-24 18:04:33   I'm taking the time to Thank Davis Air porter. I flew into SFO yesterday from a messed up Delta flight only to find out that we had reserved the shuttle service a day late. Oops! I guess consumers screw up too! this is last thing you want to hear after flying across the country. Sorry Sir but you booked our service for tomorrow. Well thanks to Davis Air porter they rescheduled my ride and picked me up. That was only part of my positive experience. My driver was one in a million. It was clear he cares. It was the small things like remembering my name and everyone Else's in the Van. Asking if we were comfortable and following up with us during the ride. The traffic was horrible but our experienced driver new the short cuts. Yes, he was concerned about the time we had to spend in traffic making sure I was comfortable as he apologized for the traffic, very sincere. I cant say enough it has been a long time since I had met and spent time with such a guilty person wanting to please his customer. I would use the drivers name but I guess I was to jet lagged to remember. Thank you again for being there when I needed you. The service and the ride was very enjoyable after a hard day of travel. Too my driver, I hope you enjoy your new bike! —ChrisLaManna

2011-06-24 22:03:49   To ChrisLaManna, thanks so much for your nice words. You actually sent them to my wiki page, so I'm bouncing it over to the Davis Airporter wiki page. Thanks, AirporterDriverPete

2011-06-24 22:26:03   I saw this guy gassing up the Davis Airporter van at like 11:45 at night, I asked if he was Pete he said no Pete is a hippie

congrats on the album btw —StevenDaubert

2011-06-25 20:01:37   Thanks Steve. Yeah, I guess it's true. I don't even bathe! —AirporterDriverPete Brutal

hahah yeah, I know Big Nile, and you from the wiki but that is the extend I know the airporter other than just seeing them around for forever and a day