William Zinn, recipient of the 2015 Harmony in Our Lives Award

William 'Bill' Zinn has been directing choirs in the Davis schools since 2003. He is the highly regarded director of the lively DSHS Jazz Choir, which presents their annual Cabaret dinner in the early spring, and he conducted the DSHS Concert Choir for many years. He has also directed the choruses at Emerson, Holmes and Harper junior high schools. Under his tutelage, thousands of youngsters in Davis have enjoyed singing a multicultural array of different styles of choral music.  From 1993 to 2003 Zinn was choral director at Sacramento High School.

For nearly two decades, Zinn has also been active as a member of the Sacramento Master Singers and Sacramento's Opera Chorus.

For his many years of teaching vocal music to youngsters in Davis, he was named the 2015 recipient of the Harmony In Our Lives Award.


Hudson, Jeff; November 8, 2015, "Zinn honored for making beautiful music," The Davis Enterprise, retrieved 18 December 2017.