What do you know about Overview on history and goals of the Gilbert Riparian Preserve ?

The Gilbert Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch was founded in 1999 by the Gilbert Town Council. It is on 110 acres of wetlands.  It's primary uses are set about recycling water and preserving the habitats made there. There are 7 ponds that are filled recycled water and emptied in a rotational pattern. It was originally founded to help work towards the resent goals to reuse 100% of all recycled water in the town. Located on the preserve grounds are a water treatment systems, in the center of the park, and is used to work towards the goal of recycling 100% of all .

South East Regional Library is also located along Guadalupe road on the same lands as the Riparian and has a small lake, know as the Water Ranch Lake, which is always full. This lake is also available for public fishing, with the proper fishing licenses. The Preserve is open from sunrise to sunset.


The Preserve is a popular tourist destination and hosts many events on it's grounds, from bird watching tours to sponsored after dark tours of the park. There are events like Christmas light walks and other sponsored events hosted on the Riparian's grounds. There are also 3 campsites that can be rented out for a fun night out camping at the preserve. There are also pavilions free for hosting public events. Throughout the walking paths running through the preserve there are benches to optimize bird watching or just to catch one's breath while on the paths. Many of these benches are dedicated to individuals who donated to the preserve in the past and wished to be honored there.

The Preserve hosts a variety of native wildlife, and sometimes rare avian visitors stop by the preserve's lakes. One such example of these exotic bird would be the Rosate Spoonbill, which was last seen in one of the lakes at the Riparian in 2020.  There are numerable varieties of native birds, lizards, flora, and other forms of fauna found throughout the parks. Throughout the park there are plaques helping tourists and long time visitors get a glimpse of what wildlife lives in the park. 

                                                                                                                       lRoseate Spoonbill | Gilbert Riparian Preserve, Maricopa Coun… | Flickr




