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Allan Hancock College


2009-10-23 03:26:46   Did you know that if you're from a low-income household, you could possibly go to AHC (or any CA community college) for FREE? It doesn't even matter where you're at in your education...except possibly if you're under 16 and the administration doesn't you enroll. This probably sounds like spam, but I'm serious. It's called the BOG...Board of Governor's, I think... What it does is pay for all your enrollment and student fees. So basically, if you qualify, all you would have to pay for is transportation, your living expenses and books.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I got a BOG last spring after I graduated with my bachelor's degree, found that I wasn't getting any job call-backs, and decided to go back to school. It was pretty sweet. Just thought I should let others know about this great opportunity. —

2009-10-23 03:29:57   Oh, and you can contact the Financial Aid Office at AHC or look it up on the web. They have an application that you can download from their website. —