Debbie's Dolmas summary: (added May 30th, 2008)

1: You might try Whole Foods they do catering and I saw dolmas in the sandwich/deli area this week. Also try The Gyro House on Castro.

2: I got some great Dolmas from Costco of all places! If you have a membership, I'd go there you get a tub of it and they are very tastey!!

3: The least expensive are at Trader Joes, if they have them in stock. 
Otherwise, you an get them at Whole Foods. Sometimes Piazza's has them in the Deli. (Both are fairly expensive though if you need them in quantity.) 
World Market on San Antonio north of Middlefield would have jars of them, but might also have fresh ones. 
Also, Rose Market at Castro just past El Camino is a Mediterranean market that probably has both jarred and fresh ones. They do catering and sell fresh-made food at the store.

4: Rose International, castro st (on the los altos side of el camino) 
they serve iranian food that tastes like home food

5: Rose International, castro st (on the los altos side of el camino) 
they serve iranian food that tastes like home food.

6: Please visit Mediterranean Wraps on California Ave. in PA for the best dolmas. They are spectacular. Med. Wraps is ½ down the first block (near what used to be known as the Fine Arts theater) on the VCF office side of the street. 
If you don’t want to drive that far, I have found them in the refrigerator section of Milk Pail Dairy. Quantities are limited.

7: Draeger's deli has pretty good ones; expensive, but good.

8: I get wonderful Dolmas at a place called World Market on San Antonio. I buy them in a can AND PEOPLE AT OUR PARTIES LOVE THEM!!! the cans probably contain 35-45 Dolmas.