Removing a bee swarm

(Updated on 09 April 2019 by Jenny Payne)

Our bees were removed from inside a wall of our house by Eugene Zuspan at, phone 925-382-5489.  He came the next morning before the bees had a chance to get settled so it went very smoothly and the bees were all out on the first day.Other beekeepers recommended to us by neighbors include:Amy at 650 - 450-1913.  Very responsive - the first day.

Bee Free 970 Columbus Street, Ste, # 2 Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 United States Phone: 650-773-9870 [email protected]

The Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild has a list of beekeepers at



Swarming bees are a pest to you, but a great asset to bee keepers, especially now that bee populations are dropping. If you have a bee swarm in your yard, please try to get the bees removed alive, by calling one or more of the people listed on the Santa Clara County Beekeepers website, [WWW] 
Careful! A bigger wasp nest may look like a bee hive, but wasps are more aggressive than bees. Get a pro to take a look if in doubt.

Jason Jennings, of Humble Bee removal in San Mateo, will remove the bees if they are IN the tree. It's an involved process that takes a couple of months, and costs about $500. 650 - 315 - 5028, or [email protected]

If you find a dead bird in your yard:

Contact Santa Clara County Vector Control (408) 792-5010, they will 
advise you. Vector Control is a good tax funded service that offers 
expert help with all types of vertebrate and invertebrate creature 
problems. They have direct access to other government services 
including the Dept. of Health and the CDC. I have found them to be 
knowledgeable, polite and a good resource, they are the agency 
responsible for mosquito control among other things.

See also Termite Control